Collaboration and tools in music
music | production | vst | daw | dsp | en
When mixing in the box, people use lots of VST plugins to process a single sound. These plugins are developed by different individuals, often by more than one person. Then, there are multiple sounds to consider. Inherently, this makes whatever you are doing in the digital music space highly collaborative (writing, mixing, mastering).
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Koala sampler on Samsung and low latency audio
music | production | c++ | android | koala | samsung
This is how I tried to debug “poor” audio quality of
Read moreKoala
sampler on my Samsung Android.
SPOILER: Just don’t buy Samsung.
So you want to open AKAI iso...
music | production | akai | iso | en | vst
So, if youare like me just discovered Sample and Sample-Patch CDs on Internet Archive then you are probaly downladed some of the CDs that are appear to be ISO, but they are not mounting.
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Track: Same but new
music | production | hip-hop
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SCAM: Atomic Wallet
crypto | en
Company that didn’t held accountable for thousands of dollars stolen and now blocks everyone on Twitter(X).
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Track: Bley
music | production | trip-hop
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Blender render dump 2
b3d | render | ru | 3d
Еще один дамп. Теперь без определенного порядка.
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Blender render dump 1
b3d | render | ru | 3d
Я начал учить блендер и это весело! Еще в школе я делал какие-то штуки в фотошопе и корел дро, у меня даже сохранилось, не покажу) В блендере я пока что очень плох.
Фото в порядке выполнения, почти все красивое было по туториалу сделано. Я пока не понимаю как ставить свет и камеру чтобы было красиво. И к тому же в приоритете были модели, а не ренедеры(их, кстати, обрабатывать лучше отдельно уже как 2д).
Read moreЭто известный туториал. Он учит о таких вещах, что ты их не очень запоминаешь как новичок, но конечный результат как-то подсаживает.
How to run C# tests using Selenium dynamic grid inside GitLab
c# | autotests | selenium | GitLab | tutorial | en
Here is how you can start C# tests in GitLab environment using Selenium Dynamic Grid feature.
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books | quotes | en
This shared meaning emerges through the story of Erigone in the Bibliotheca, that great compilation of myths written by Pseudo-Apollodorus between the 1st and 2nd centuries CE. In it, we learn that the god Dionysus taught Erigone’s father Icarius the art of winemaking, and that he shared what he made with his shepherds.
According to the most widespread version of this legend, the shepherds drank so much they thought they had been poisoned, so they killed Icarius. They attempted to hide his body by burying it at the foot of a tree, but the young Erigone found her father’s corpse. As the story goes, ‘she bewailed her father and hanged herself’, swinging from the same tree where Icarius was buried. It was then that Dionysus, or Erigone herself (according to some versions), cast a spell on the city of Athens, leading its virgins to hang themselves too.
According to Gaius Julius Hyginus, a 1st-century Hispanic Latin writer, the Athenians ended this sad epidemic by instituting the practice of swinging themselves while seated on wooden planks hung from ropes. Their bodies could sway in the wind like Erigone. In these accounts, we find one of the earliest interpretations of the swing’s (mythological) origins: a device of death that became apotropaic, or capable of warding off an evil spell, thus preventing young Athenian girls from hanging themselves. According to Hyginus, the swing began as a magical object, a machine for lifting a curse.